Decorative plaster
Sculptural painting by decorative plaster does not belong to repair work. It is the art decorating vital space. We habitually consider that painting...
Decorative paint or decorative plaster, what is better
If those before whom fast repair loomed have a problem of the choice of a type of finishing, to decide – decorative paint or plaster that...
The right choice and also putting textured paint demand separate consideration. Still new material is not absolutely mastered by owners of cottages, dachas...
History and technology of painting for crude plaster
Painting in crude plaster is similar to the movement of a snail. The snail humidifies a surface on the way to facilitate to herself the movement. Artist's brush, moving...
How to make a bas-relief on a wall with own hands of the instruction to a beginner
Bas-relief on a wall – one of types of ornament which can be executed by own efforts. Though it and is difficult for a beginner, but...
Finishing of a ceiling decorative plaster the hands
As well as in a case with walls, decorative plaster on a ceiling — a great choice for finishing of the place in an interior, which subconsciously...
As it is possible to remove decorative plaster from walls easily
The served finishing can not always be restored therefore the question of how to remove decorative plaster from walls, for many owners can...
To show still

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is that rare species of finishing of internal and external walls of rooms which will help you to realize all the creative potential. A variety of types and the technician of drawing this wonderful covering just shakes. No other types of finishing will be able to help you to create the same unique atmosphere of the house.